7 Valuable Tips for YouTube Users

As someone who uses YouTube casually for watching videos, you may not be too familiar with some of the available features that the platform offers. Sure, if you have no interest in exploring YouTube in more detail, then simply sticking to watching videos should be enough.
On the other hand, there are bound to be some people who are keen to learn more about YouTube and discover what else it has to offer.
Let’s take a look at seven valuable tips that YouTube users should find handy. And remember that there is even more for you to uncover if you continue using and learning more about the platform.
Downloading Music
Because of Spotify and other streaming platforms, not as many people are using YouTube for their music needs. On the other hand, you may find some exclusive tracks from artists that only put their work on YouTube.
The platform also has a separate section for music that you can check. Moreover, you also have the option to download music straight from YouTube by converting videos into MP3. You can find more than enough different converters online that will convert the video without needing to download it on your computer or use the software.
Accessing YouTube From Multiple Devices
Keep in mind that YouTube has apps for Android and iOS tablets and smartphones, so you can use the website not just on your computer.
Sure, one could argue that the video quality may be a bit lacklustre due to watching videos on a smaller screen, but it is still nice to have an alternative even if the comfort might not be the same as it is on a large computer screen.

Subscribing to Channels
YouTube has an algorithm that sends you video recommendations according to what videos you watch. You may stumble upon a new channel because of a recommendation from YouTube or someone you know.
However, it is important to note that you are likely to miss videos from a channel if you do not subscribe to it. Therefore, if you like someone’s videos on YouTube, make sure to subscribe to their channel.
Watching Videos Later
If you ever discover a video that is too long, or you do not have the time to watch it at the time, you can use the “watch later” feature and put it aside for later.
Below a video, on the right, there is a SAVE button. Click on it and add the video to the “watch later” list. As an alternative, you can also create a separate playlist and use that for videos you want to check later.
Timestamping Videos
After you find a video that you want to share with someone, but it is too long, or there is only a particularly timestamp that is interesting and worth sharing, this is what you need to do:
- Pause a video at the exact time you want it to start for those you share a video with
- Right-click on the video and select the “Copy video URL at current time” option
- Paste the URL with the timestamp
This feature will save another person time because they will not have to jump in time to pinpoint the exact location of a video that you recommended to watch.
Checking Live Streams
Even though YouTube is still behind Twitch TV as far as streaming goes, the platform has picked up some pace recently. It attracted some big names and is working on improving the streaming feature regularly. The fact that Twitch has been experiencing various problems recently is also helpful.
Discovering streams on YouTube is still clunky, but if you are interested in seeing what some of your favourite content creators are up to, try to catch them live so that you can interact with them and other viewers.

Trying YouTube Premium
YouTube Premium is one of those features that many users find obsolete. However, if you like the content and are eager to check original stuff that is exclusive to YouTube, subscribing to the premium plan does not sound too bad.
It is also worth noting that becoming a premium user also means not having to deal with ads. Not everyone has the patience to wait for an ad to finish before a video starts.
Using YouTube for Kids
YouTube for kids is, like the name suggests, a YouTube version that is aimed toward children. The contained environment emphasizes educational content and other types of videos that are aimed at kids.
If you have kids who might be interested in checking the YouTube version meant for them, do not hesitate and give it a go. Not only is there plenty of entertainment, but your child will also get to learn new things by watching videos.