Der bisher ambitionierteste Drittanbieter-Launcher für Android TV

Erforschung des bisher innovativsten Drittanbieter-Startprogramms für Android TV

Im ständig wandelnden Kosmos von Android TV ist ein neues Gesicht aufgetaucht - Dispatch.

Dies ist kein durchschnittlicher, alltäglicher Launcher. Es ist eine elegante, zeitgemäße, feed-basierte Oberfläche, die sich wie ein Traum mit Ihrer bestehenden Plex-Bibliothek verbindet. Aber lassen Sie uns die Luft klären, Dispatch ist kein Streaming-Dienst.

Es ähnelt eher einem schicken Portal zu Ihrer bestehenden Medienbibliothek und macht Ihre Serienmarathons so reibungslos wie ein heißes Messer durch Butter.

But hold your horses, there's more! Dispatch comes with an optional Accessibility feature. If you choose to enable it, it can detect hardware remote control button presses, allowing you to customize button actions. It can also detect the foreground app name, helping to redirect you to the selected home experience. And before you start sweating about privacy, let me put your mind at ease, Dispatch isn't interested in your personal data.

It's only used locally to serve the above purposes. So, you can continue using the app without enabling it, if you prefer.

The app is still in beta but it has a lot of promise. It's the first ambitious 3rd party android TV launcher. Most other launchers are as basic as a white tee, this is the first contender to Google's own launcher.

The downsides are that the app takes an eternity to setup, I mean the setup process is a breeze but it takes at least 30-40 minutes to download 'metadata'.

In my experience, after the metadata was done downloading, the app was smooth around 60% of the time, navigating the homescreen, I was met with hiccups and frame skipping or button presses ignored.

The launcher has a lot of promise but it needs to mature a lot more before I will consider it to be my daily driver.

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