You can get the Pixel Screenshots app now but with a huge catch

Discover the New Pixel Screenshots App - Available Now with a Significant Caveat.

In the world of smartphones, where innovation is as rare as a unicorn, Google has decided to shake things up a bit. With the release of its Pixel 9 series, Google introduced a nifty little tool called the Pixel Screenshots app. This isn't your run-of-the-mill screenshot app, oh no! It organizes your screengrabs and uses AI to turn them into a souped-up save for later list. It's like your personal screenshot butler, and it's now available online.

Our friendly neighborhood Google leaker, AssembleDebug, has shared an APK for the Pixel Screenshots app. This means you can install it on other phones without root. But before you get too excited, there's a catch. The AI features may not work on all devices. We've tried it on a Pixel 8 Pro, and while the app launches just fine, it hangs up when trying to download its AI models. So, it's not fully functional on other devices, but it still has some use.

Without the AI models, you can still use the app to organize screenshots into collections. Think of these as folders where you can store related screenshots. You can also add notes to the screenshots, but the search feature isn't operational without the AI model. There's also a reminder feature, but it's not as reliable as we'd like.

Interestingly, you can manually add images to the app and even capture new images with your camera. However, the app gets stuck trying to download its AI models, and you'll see a notification stating that the download is in progress. You can stop the download by going into the app's settings and disabling 'Search your screenshots with on-device AI'.

Unfortunately, the official Play Store listing for Pixel Screenshots is limited to the Pixel 9 series and cannot be installed on other devices. So, for now, it seems like this quirky innovation is a practical solution only for Pixel 9 users.

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