IPTVX Should Be The Only IPTV app For Your Apple TV

If you own an Apple TV (4th Generation), there is one app that you're probably missing from your app Tray, that app is IPTVX. You need an IPTV Subscription first but there are many available, Iconic IPTV is one that I use but, you can use any!
Once you've found the perfect IPTV Service for you, download IPTVX from the App Store and enjoy a Netflix Style app for all of your Favourite Movies, TV Shows and Live TV Channels.
For a long time, iPlayTV was the go-to app for IPTV on the Apple TV (4th Generation), with little to no competition, sure there are a few IPTV Apps but none are optimized for the tvOS and utilized the Power of the Apple TV.

Enter IPTVX, this is the only true competitor for iPlayTV. The Developer Matteo Gobbi, is currently a Software Engineer at Google working on iOS Apps, who recently finished a three-year stint at Twitter.
IPTVX has a growing Reddit community that is full of new updates for the app and allows you to get support quickly if you have any issues.
He created an IPTV Player that is one of the best in its Class, IPTVX is styled to mimic the layout of Netflix and borrows some of its features, such as the ability to continue watching a movie where you left off.

Most of the features in this app are unprecedented for an IPTV App, such as completely watching an Episode of a TV Show and then having the next Episode offered up to you at the end (as Netflix and Plex do currently).
I predominately use an Android TV to watch IPTV, I can tell you that no app on Android TV can come close to the Experience that IPTVX gives you.
IPTVX is a tvOS app which given a M3U or M3U8 playlist builds a fancy and user-friendly interface to watch your content in a fun and easy way thanks to several useful features. It's very easy to use: just add a new playlist inserting the URL of your remote M3U or M3U8 file and you will be allowed to use the following features:
- Netflix style navigation;
- Movies overview, cover and details when a channel is highlighted;
- Movies info are downloaded in the language set on your AppleTV;
- Keep watching (from where you left) section: it will automatically shown once you start watching a Movie or a TV Series;
- Favorites: long press on a Movie or a TV Serie to add/remove it from favorites, a new section will automatically appear;
- Pause/play and move cursor back and forward while the video is paused: just pause the video and move your finger on the AppleTV remote controller;
- TV Series have a dedicate page with the list of episodes completed of titles, images and descriptions. They will also show progresses and you will be able to keep watching from where you left;
- TV Series will show the “Next episode” button once the episode approach the end; if not pressed, they will go ahead automatically at the end of the episode;
- Movies and TV Series marked as adult content from the movie database will show an apposite badge.
- Vertical navigation to show categories, channels and EPGs, all in the same screen;
- Channel's current program's title, details, live preview and EPGs table when a Live Channel is highlighted (it requires EPGs info, if not present only the live preview will be shown);
- Favorites: long press on a channel to add/remove it from favorites, a new section will automatically appear.
- Subtitles, internal to the video and external research;
- On player screen program info for Movies, TV Series’ episodes and Live channels with also video resolution (HD, 4K, etc.): swipe down on player to get the menu panel;
- On player progress bar (also shown for Live channels - based on EPGs for live channels): swipe up to get the menu panel;
- On player channels list: swipe from left to right while watching a Live channel to get the list;
- On player screen audio track selection: swipe down on player to get the menu.
- Search Movie, TV Series and Live channels.
- Auto EPG: for the 90% of users watching IPTV, the Electronic Program Guide (EPG) is on the same server which provides your playlist. If this is your case, IPTVX will automatically find it for you;
- Possibility to insert an arbitrary EPG url (supports GZIP); EPG is cached and reloaded automatically after 12 hours;
- M3U tags support for things like channel's logo and channel's identifier for EPG.
- Settings page;
- Parental control;
- Multiple playlists support;
- Cache last playlist accessed;
- All your data is on the app's Apple cloud for free and always available;
- Edit / Reload / Remove a playlist: long press on the playlist name to get the multiple actions menu;
- Set the automatically reload of your playlist: it might happen that you keep watching a playlist for a long time forgetting to update it. With this feature you don't need to worry about it;
It also works with playlists that aren't formed correctly by M3U tags. Enjoy IPTVX, feel free to write to the developer if you have any feedback,PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: The playlist shown in the screenshots is just an example. Neither this app, nor the developer provide playlists. To use this app, you are requested to provide your playlist's URL. The developer isn't responsible for your playlist's content. Stay connected and updated: https://reddit.com/r/iptvx
Works with
I recommend using a VPN like NordVPN if your ISP is blocking the IPTV Provider, if it Channels aren't working at all then use a VPN.